Active Ageing – the facts and figures!
July 19, 2022
The Facts
It is important that as we age we continue to remain physically active not only for our physical health but also for our mental health. Exercise plays a major role in reducing the risk of developing chronic health conditions, managing chronic health conditions, preventing injuries and reducing risk of falls. Research has proven that exercising regularly can also improve how our brain functions. With exercise comes increased blood flow to our working muscles as well as the brain, this makes our brain cells more active leading to better connections between the different parts of our brains and can even increase our brain size. This means with exercise you can improve your memory, attention and problem solving skills which are all important measures when it comes to improving how your brain works.
The Figures
Did you know that only 17.2% of older Australians meet the Australian Physical Activity Guidelines. This means only 17.2% of older people are completing 150 mins/week of moderate intensity physical activity and achieving 2×30 min resistance training sessions per week. Are you meeting the activity guidelines?
Falls are a common part of ageing and they tend to happen more frequently the older you become. Falls often occur due to changes in physical health, poor vision, hearing loss, reduced reaction time, drug interactions as well as reduced muscle mass and strength. The facts show that 30% of older adults over 65 years will experience at least one fall per year. Wth falls comes the increased risk of injury, fracture, impairment and reduced independence. Tailored exercise programs can help you improve your balance and strength to reduce your risk of falls and help you achieve the Australian Physical Activity Guidelines. Also contacting an accredited exercise physiologist who will be able to tailor a program specific to your needs can help you remain active as your age.
3 tips to improve your physical activity
- Go for a brisk walk with friends for 30 mins per day- walk to get your morning coffee instead of driving
- Join an exercise physiology group class-create new friendships and increase your social interactions within your community whilst keeping fit and strong
- Schedule time in your calendar to be active- stick to it!
3 tips to improve your balance
- Be aware of your surroundings- move any trip hazards from the house ie a rug that has turned up on the corners may pose as a risk
- Participate in a individualised exercise program tailored to your specific needs
- Wear appropriate shoes when at home and in the community- slippers are called slippers for a reason!
What do I do now?
Participating in regular group exercise programs which are tailored to older adults is a great way to improve your physical health, reduce your risk of falls and maintain your independence as you age.
Chat with one of our accredited exercise physiologists today about getting started with a tailored program for you or join one of our group classes and meet like minded people who are all trying to improve their health and feel the best that they can.
Visit us in Springwood or give us a call on 4707 7671
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